Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fruitcake lady

This is pretty funny, people on the street seek advice from the fruitcake lady. Dont let her appearance fool you, she does not hold back at all.

Beloved 'Fruitcake Lady' dies in Hudson

Marie Rudisill, 95, won over audiences on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Marie Rudisill, better known as the Fruitcake Lady on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, died in Hudson on Nov. 3, 2006. She was 95 years old. Her only child, James, said that she died from old age.

"She was fine up until the day she died," he said.

Rudisill was an aunt of Truman Capote and helped raise him in his early childhood. She also wrote several books, including The Southern Haunting of Truman Capote and Ask the Fruitcake Lady: Everything You Would Already Know If You Had Any Sense.

Rudisill began her career on Leno at the age of 89, after she published Fruitcake, a witty cookbook on the cakes she'd been making since she was a child, according to the tribute page to her on

She did fruitcake baking segments with Hollywood royalty - Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Hugh Grant - and gave all of them liberal doses of her sharp tongue and wit, treating them like naughty boys who were messing up her kitchen. During her segment with Gibson, she didn't know who he was. Leno told her he was a harmonica player and he was making his first appearance.

Rudisill had Leno on one side and Gibson on the other - allegedly the boys were going to make their own fruitcakes. Leno surveyed the bowls of dried fruit.

"Dump it all in?" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "Do that quick."

"Are you a bossy lady?" Leno asked her.

"Well, a little bit," Rudisill said. "When you're as old as I am, hell, you have to be bossy. C'mon, get your nuts there."

She wanted them to take a little bit of flour and dust the fruit with it.

"C'mon, Mel, dust yours," she said. "But don't put so much on."

"Too much?" he asked.

She peered into his bowl.

"Oh, my Lord," she said. "You've made a mess."

Though her cooking spots were popular, she might have been better known for her "Ask the Fruitcake Lady" segments. Viewers asked the tiny, white-haired woman questions, and she responded with more than a smattering of honesty in her profanity-peppered Southern drawl.

During a Christmas spot, one guy asked her if she had been naughty or nice.

"What kind of a damn fool question is that?" she said. "How can a 94-year-old woman be naughty? My days of being naughty are gone forever."

A woman asked: "Do you think Santa will bring me a rich man who loves to cook and clean around the house?"

"No," Rudisill said, without hesitation. "Of course not because there is no such man on this earth. No such man."

Another woman said her husband wanted a tool set for Christmas, but she didn't want to spend the money because she knew he would never use it. What did the Fruitcake Lady suggest doing?

"Well, I should say it would be in your benefit to give him sex," Rudisill said.

"It'd be a lot cheaper for you to do that. I mean, why not? I would."

There was no funeral for Rudisill, who was born Edna Marie Faulk in 1911 in Monroeville, Ala. Her son said she didn't want a fuss.

But the family, which includes three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, is going to have a private memorial service in Monroeville at a later date.

Fruitcake lady - biography

Marie Rudisill, (13 March 1911 - 3 November 2006), also known as the Fruitcake Lady, was a writer and television personality, best known as the nonagenarian woman who appeared in the "Ask the Fruitcake Lady" segments on The Tonight Show on American television. She was an aunt to novelist Truman Capote (his mother, Lillie Mae Faulk, was her elder sister). Rudisill helped to raise Capote, who lived with her at times during his childhood, both in Alabama and New York City.

Rudisill was born Edna Marie Faulk in Monroeville, Alabama. She married James Rudisill in 1939. The couple had one son, James, and Rudisill had three grandchildren.

Rudisill authored eight books, including a book titled Fruitcake: Memories of Truman Capote & Sook. She was a resident of Florida.

Rudisill's book Fruitcake led to her being invited to be a guest on The Tonight Show in December 2000. During her first visit she showed Jay Leno and Mel Gibson how to make fruitcakes. This led to her being named the Fruitcake Lady and to several more appearances on The Tonight Show in which she instructed host Jay Leno and other guests in the preparation of various baked desserts.

In 2002, the "Ask the Fruitcake Lady" segments became a regular part of The Tonight Show. In these segments, viewers posed prerecorded questions to Rudisill (including questions of a graphic sexual nature), and her frank and often unpredictable responses were shown. In her responses she often lost patience with what she perceived as stupidity on the part of some questioners, and lapsed into profanity.

The following is an example of Rudisill's style of advice to Tonight Show viewers:
Viewer: My husband wants a new tool set for Christmas, but I know he won't use it and it'll just be a waste of money. What else can I give him that will make him happy?
Rudisill: Well, I should say it'd be to your benefit to give him sex. It'd be a lot cheaper for you to do that. I mean, why not? You -- I would, because even if you give him the other thing, then he's still going to come back for sex, you see. So just give him sex to begin with, and you don't have to buy the other thing. Go with the sex.

Marie Rudisill died in Hudson, Florida on November 3, 2006, at the age of 95, just before the publication date of her latest book, Ask the Fruitcake Lady: Everything You Would Already Know If You Had Any Sense, on November 7. The November 8, 2006 broadcast of the Tonight Show included a tribute composed of highlights from her segments on the show, including one in which she cooked with (and was hugged and kissed on the cheek by) Tom Cruise.

Fruitcake Lady

The Fruitcake Lady From "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno"

"Marie Rudisill is the Fruitcake Lady," explains her biographical notes from NBC. "She's a 93-year-old Floridian with a unique history. For starters, she's the aunt of famed American novelist Truman Capote. In fact, she lived with Truman during his childhood and helped raise him during his formative years in Alabama and New York City." She's also an author and a fruitcake recipe led to her debut on Jay Leno's program.

Whether dispensing dessert tips or "down-to-earth, no nonsense advice," Marie Rudisill has become a memorable comic visitor to "The Tonight Show." NBC presents a collection of her "Ask the Fruitcake Lady" video segments, containing a bit of adult content.